Endless belts
Flat belts length-stable
- Power transmission and conveying belts
Type 5005
Type 5065
Type 525 HF
Type 525
Type 535
Type V 11185 - Décolletage
- ATM belts semi-elastic
Type Hevaloid SE 0.65 mm
Type Hevaloid SE 1.00 mm
Typ Hevaloid SE 2.00 mm
- Feeder belts
Type ECT 06 / ECG 06 red
Type ECT 06 / ECG 06 white (FDA)
Type postal feeder belts special
Type endless coatings
- Tube winder belts
Type 535 TW / 538 TW
Type 565 TW / 568 TW
Type 585 TW
Type 595 TW / 598 TW
- Haul-off belts
Type wire feeder
Type caterpillar
Flat belts elastic
- Power transmission and conveying belts
Type Crelast black
Type Crelast blue, grey, white (FDA)
Type Crelast light beige
Type Crelast green (FDA)
Type Crelast SI black
- Feeder belts
Type EC elastic
Type EC elastic (FDA)
Type CR/EC semi-elastic
Type CR/EC semi-elastic (FDA)
Type SE semi-elastic
Type SE semi-elastic (FDA)
- Roll and friction covers
Type Crelast EC red, maroon and white (FDA)
Type Crelast black
Type Crelast blue, grey, white (FDA)
Type Crelast green (FDA)
Type Crelast SI black
SE - Conveying belts semi-elastic
Type Crelast SE black/blue
Type Crelast SE black/white (FDA)
Type Crelast SE black/green (FDA)
Type Crelast SE black/black
Type Crelast SE black/maroon
Type Crelast SE black/red
Round belts durable
- High-performance round belts
Round belts drive
Round belts conveyor
Round belts detectable
Round belts W twisted
Round belts S stable and H hollow
Endless SL slings
Leather and fleece belts
- Leather and fleece belts
Type leather LP / LL
Type fleece VP / VV
Type steel cords LP 63 S
Endless coatings
Endless Coatings
Coatings rubber
Coatings silicone
Coatings polyurethane
Special processings
Self-tracking guides
About us
Focus 1: Occupational safety measures
Focus 2: Resource/environmental protection measures
Focus 3: Energy saving measures
Production site
Truly endless
News overview
Engineering Reports Graf
ERG 001
ERG 001
ERG 002
ERG 003
ERG 004
ERG 005
ERG 006
ERG 007
ERG 008
ERG 009
ERG 010
ERG 011
Customer announcements
Letter for business partners 2025
Press release RONDLAST
Product catalogue / Flyers
Image flyer Dipl. Ing. Werner Graf AG
Product flyer (NEW)
Product catalogue
Flyer Haul-off belts wire feeder
Flyer Round belts drive
Flyer Round belts conveyor
Flyer Flat belts Décolletage
Data sheets
1 Overview flat belts and coatings
2 Flat belts stable
3 Feeder belts
4 Flat belts elastic
5 Roll and friction covers
6 Tube winders
7 Haul-off belts wire feeder
7 Haul-off belts caterpillar
7 Haul-off belts VFFS
8 Coatings rubber and silicone
8 Coatings polyurethane
9 Leather and fleece belts
10 Flat belts semi-elastic
11 Feeder belts FDA
12 Round belts drive
12 Round belts conveyor
Instruction for storing rubbers
Applications / Industries
Table of applications
List of industries
Out of our history
Company history
Biography of the founder
Trademark HEVALOID®
Bell foundry Staad 1873 - 1940
Birth of the bell
List of all bells 1874 - 1940
Technical support
Contact persons
Contact form
Request samples
Data sheets
1 Overview flat belts
TDS Übersicht Graf-Riemen und Beschichtungen DE
TDS Overview Graf belts and endless coatings EN
TDS Vue d'ensemble courroies Graf et enductions sans fin FR
2 Flat belts length-stable
TDS Hevaloid Typ 5005 - 535 / Typ ATM DE
TDS Hevaloid type 5005 - 535 / type ATM EN
TDS Hevaloid type 5005 - 535 / type ATM FR
3 Feeder belts
TDS Typ Crelast EC / Typ Hevaloid ECT 06/ECG 06 DE
TDS type Crelast EC / type Hevaloid ECT 06/ECG 06 EN
TDS type Crelast EC / type Hevaloid ECT 06/ECG 06 FR
4 Flat belts elastic
TDS Typ Crelast / Typ Crelast EC DE
TDS type Crelast / type Crelast EC EN
TDS type Crelast / type Crelast EC FR
5 Roll and friction covers
TDS Typ Crelast / Typ Crelast EC Walzenbezüge DE
TDS type Crelast / type Crelast EC friction covers EN
TDS type Crelast / type Crelast EC couche de friction FR
6 Tube winder belts
TDS Hevaloid Typ 535 TW - 598 TW DE
TDS Hevaloid type 535 TW - 598 TW EN
TDS Hevaloid type 535 TW - 598 TW FR
7 Haul-off belts wire feeder
TDS Hevaloid Typ Kabelzug DE
TDS Hevaloid type haul-off belts wire feeder EN
TDS Hevaloid type courroie de tirage câble FR
7 Haul-off belts caterpillar
TDS Hevaloid Typ Raupenabzug DE
TDS Hevaloid type haul-off belts caterpillar EN
TDS Hevaloid type courroie de tirage chenille FR
7 Haul-off belts VFFS
TDS Hevaloid Typ VFFS DE
TDS Hevaloid type haul-off belts VFFS EN
TDS Hevaloid type courroie de tirage VFFS FR
8 Coatings rubber and silicone
TDS Beschichtungen Gummi und Silikon DE
TDS endless coatings rubber and silicone EN
TDS revêtements sans fin caoutschouc et silicone FR
8 Coatings Polyurethane
TDS Beschichtungen Polyurethan DE
TDS endless coatings polyurethane EN
TDS revêtements sans fin polyuréthane FR
9 Leather and fleece belts
TDS Solutus Typ Leder und Vlies DE
TDS Solutus type leather and fleece EN
TDS Solutus type couches de cuir ou toison FR
10 Flat belts semi-elastic
TDS Typ Crelast SE / Typ Crelast SE weiss FDA DE
TDS type Crelast SE / type Crelast SE white FDA EN
TDS type Crelast SE / type Crelast SE blanc FDA FR
11 Feeder belts FDA
TDS Typ Crelast EC weiss / Typ Hevaloid ECT 06/ECG 06 weiss FDA DE
TDS type Crelast EC white / type Hevaloid ECT 06/ECG 06 white FDA EN
TDS type Crelast EC blanc / type Hevaloid ECT 06/ECG 06 blanc FDA FR
12 Round belts drive
TDS Rondlast Typ Antrieb DE
TDS Rondlast type drive EN
TDS Rondlast type transmission FR
12 Round belts conveyor
TDS Rondlast Typ Transport DE
TDS Rondlast type conveyor EN
TDS Rondlast type convoyeur FR
Leaflet storing instructions
Leaflet storing instructions EN