RONDLAST® - round belts S stable and H hollow

RONDLAST® - round belts S stable and H hollow

Overview High-performance round belts

Length-stable round belts RONDLAST S and hollow round belts RONDLAST H are designed for special applications. The reinforced round belts are used for longer distances with thinner cross sections and the hollow round belts are used for easy and light conveying units.

RONDLAST S - length-stable, reinforced for higher power transmission

Length endless produced to measure
Cross section 4 to 19 mm
Qualität PU orange 85 ShA, PU green rough or blue rough 88 ShA

RONDLAST H - hollow, for light application

Length available in rolls too; the aluminium fasteners are available as single (max. 7 % tension) barb
Cross section 5, 6, 8, 9.5, 12 mm
Quality PU clear 83 ShA, PU orange 85 ShA

Technical support Data sheets Request samples

Examples of applications

The safe, energy-saving round belts for drive and transport are specialized in high-performance sorting and conveyor systems for letters and parcels, for roller conveyor systems with medium to heavy drum motors or vertical shafts in continuous operation.

High-performance of the RONDLAST® round belts in the video

Convince yourself of the RONDLAST® round belt top performance and its high productivity in our round belt video. The long service life ensures lower costs due to the extra-strong, endlessly welded production from 100% pure material.